Nantes, France: Call for reoccupation demonstration on 17/11 in the ZAD,...
To the developers, the ZAD is merely a ‘deferred development zone’ since decades. To fighters, this is a zone to be defended (Zone À Défendre). Either way, the space is located in the countryside...
View Article‘Beyond borders,’ a 98FM & Contra Info radio broadcast – Monday, November 5th
Contra Info radio broadcast ‘Beyond borders’ makes a comeback on Monday, November 5th at 15.00 (GMT+2), in collaboration with comrades of the Athens free radio station 98FM. This time, we will have an...
View ArticleStrasbourg, France: Action in solidarity with the prosecuted in the ZAD
Compost and dung against tear gas and stun grenades In the morning of November 30th, an action was carried out against the Strasbourg gendarmerie recruitment branch (these are in fact cops, who are...
View ArticleCologne: Solidarity with Villa Amalias, Skaramaga, radio 98FM (Greece), SJZ,...
Recent banner drop from squatters, comrades and solidarian residents in Petralona, Athens: ‘SQUATS WILL STAY! FOCI OF RESISTANCE EVERYWHERE!’ Click on photo to read the message of some people from the...
View ArticleFrance: Message of solidarity from some rageous people from the ZAD and...
Zone A Défendre is an occupied zone against the construction of an international airport and metropolization Click on photo to read their full English communiqué. With much pleasure, we have heard of...
View ArticleNotre-Dame-des-Landes, France: First anniversary of evictions in the ZAD
October 14–20, 2013: Decentralized action week Saturday, October 19, 2013 Demonstration at 14.00, starting from Place Bretagne (Brittany Square) in the city of Nantes Benefit gig by 19.00, in La...
View ArticleNantes: Call for a demo and decentralized actions of solidarity against...
Cops, judges, screws: get your hands off! On February 22nd, 2014, more than 50,000 people gathered in Nantes for the biggest anti-airport demonstration ever. As it was declared illegal by the...
View ArticleNantes, France: April 9th demonstration – Some colour in the monotony
Since the Socialist Party came to power, we no longer count the protesters killed, mutilated and imprisoned. The most draconian anti-terrorism laws have been adopted, the undocumented hunted, social...
View ArticleNantes, France: Court repainted red – justice reveals it’s true face
At dawn of a historic day of struggle [1st May], we wanted to make the daily violence of the justice system towards those dominated obvious; whether undocumented, residents of lower-class...
View ArticleFrance: ZAD Eviction Threat – Some context for the international community
Over the past month the Prime Minister, President, and pro-airport lobby have been increasingly vocal and clear about their desire to evict the zad and begin work on the airport as soon as they can....
View ArticleNantes, France: Call-out for a massive day of action on Saturday 9th January...
No evictions in Notre-Dame-Des-Landes: By bike, tractor or foot – On the Nantes ring-road! Saturday 09/01/16. On the call-out from components of the struggle against the airport. ATTENTION! Change of...
View ArticleLille, France: Support action to the blocking of Nantes’ ring-road
Against the Ayrault-port of Notre Dame Des Landes. Vinci, out of our lives. [Jean-Marc] Ayrault was the former Mayor of Nantes and subsequently Prime Minister Saturday 9th January: At this very moment...
View ArticleNantes, France: Police station repainted in support of the ZAD
Whilst the cases of the last legal occupants of the Zad were being judged this Wednesday [January 13th 2016], we set out to repaint the red police station facade of the Beaujoire neighbourhood, in the...
View ArticleNotre-Dame-des-Landes, France: February 27th – General mobilisation for the...
The mobilisation in recent days has been tremendous: thanks to the strength of the demonstration on Nantes’ outskirts, but also due to the actions and gatherings multiplying in dozens of other French...
View ArticleNantes, France: Trans in prison, freedom!
Transpeople in prison, freedom! This is the message of the banner that was hung over the Nantes ring-road in the early morning of January 22nd, the international day of solidarity with trans...
View ArticleFrance: News from concerning the ZAD – January 25th to 31st 2016
In Nantes between 150 and 200 people assembled in response to the decision to evict the historical opponenets. The plate glass door of city hall suffered a mishap. Until Vinci goes away! Resistance and...
View ArticleNantes, France: Resistance demo against the states of emergency – February 20th
Resistance to the states of emergency Published on February 25th via MIA: No injuries, nor arrests, instead numerous facades revisited Nearly 400 people marched in Nantes in the context of the week of...
View ArticleMarseille, France: Banner in support of Gaël, sentenced to 6 months in prison...
Freedom for Gaël. Fuck the police. On March 17th during a demonstration in Nantes against the Labour Law, several people were arrested. Gaël spent 48 hours detained before being being remanded by the...
View ArticleNantes, France: Report-back on the demonstration of March 31st
Today, March 31st, a new day of mobilisation against labour reforms took place. Everywhere in France colleges were blockaded, schools were on strike and several demonstrations occurred which ended in...
View ArticleMarseille, France: Prisoner letter writing workshop in solidarity with...
Prisoner letter writing workshop – Sunday 10th April 2016 2-6pm. In support of ELF and ALF prisoner Rebecca Rubin, and to Gaël, in prison for 6 months following Nantes demonstration against the El...
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